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Patricia Johnson

(530) 247-7285

1644 East Street · Redding, CA 96001

Need Help with SSI or Social Security Disability?

Redding Attorney Patricia Johnson Is Here for You

Redding disability attorney Patricia Johnson is dedicated to helping disabled individuals in northern California obtain benefits that will allow them to lead normal, productive lives. She will take the time to really understand your claim and offer strong advocacy and truthful advice through the process. If your claim was rejected, she can help you appeal. If you have been denied, contact her immediately.

What is SSI Disability?

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal program that provides supplementary income and gets funding from general tax revenues, as opposed to Social Security taxes. The program gives benefits based on financial needs to assist blind, disabled and aged individuals who do not have enough income to provide their basic needs, such as housing, clothing and food.

What is Social Security Disability?

This federal insurance program helps individuals who are disabled by supplying monthly benefits. To qualify, you must have a disability which meets the Social Security Administration’s list and have worked five of the last ten years, or be a child of an eligible parent-one who is either working or disabled.
Both SSI and SSD programs include most disabilities of a physical, emotional or mental nature that make it impossible for you to participate in gainful employment for a year or more.

How Can an Attorney Help?

An attorney can step in and assist you no matter where you are in the application process. If you have not yet begun, have begun but have become confused in the intricate process, or have already received a denial after applying, the advice and guidance of an attorney can help you receive an approval.

Often, an attorney will also work with your doctor, look over the factors in your case, and help you stay on top of deadlines and details. Sometimes getting a claim approved will simply be a matter of having someone by your side who knows the ropes and what administrators who approve claims expect. An attorney may also know resources and options that might not be readily obvious to other people.

When you call Redding disability lawyer Patricia Johnson, you will set an appointment to meet directly with her. She will listen to your story and seek to understand everything that has happened to you. Your disability claim is important to her, and she will do everything in her power to ensure that you have the resources you need to live your life. Contact her today to set up a free, personal consultation.